My Grandmother recently turned 90!!! I love her so much, she is an amazing, strong woman who has been a great example to me.
Happy Birthday!!!!
I made her a chocolate cake with butter cream roses
As always, things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to. I had to make multiple trip to the store to try and fix things but overall we were all pleased with the out come.
The hands were made out of fondant by my 12 year old.
The bubbling potion is rice crispy marshmallow treat, but instead of rice crispies we used Captain Crunch Berry.
The pouring potion is wire covered in fondant.
Superbowl Food Facts
Did you know:
•Super Bowl Sunday is the second largest day of food consumption behind Thanksgiving.
•1,200 calories: Amount the average Super Bowl watcher will consume while snacking.
•Football fans are expected to eat an estimated 69.6 million pounds of avocados during this year’s Super Bowl (mostly in guacamole).
•The most popular take-out and delivery items on Super Bowl Sunday are pizza, chicken wings, and sandwiches.
•It is estimated that Americans will eat 90 million pounds of chicken wings, which breaks down to 450 million individual wings!
•An astounding 14,500 tons of chips and 4,000 tons of popcorn are eaten on Super Bowl Sunday.
•Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest winter grilling day of the year.
•According to 7-Eleven stores, there is a 20% increase in the sale of antacids on the day after Super Bowl.